Thursday, November 26, 2009

And so it begins ...

Today is Day One of my daily T'ai Chi Chih (TCC) moving meditation/blogging experiment. First, move. Next, write about my T'ai Chi Chih practice. What happened, how I felt, what I learned.... Sounds simple, doesn't it? It could be. It should be. But ... will it be? That remains, shall we say, to be seen.

I made this reckless commitment earlier today in my regular blog "Under the Forest Canopy" at I wrote that blog after a morning TCC practice in which I'd seen six deer browsing through the woods outside our house. I was bewitched. I felt unaccountably blessed and thankful. And, further, I was unexplainably willing to take a desperate, delightful leap into the known and unknown.

Why does this t'ai chi chih blog journal seem desperate? Perhaps because I've been known to dally weeks between blog entries. Suddenly I'm committed to a daily measure of words. I don't know what those words will be, how those words will sound, or whether those words will flow freely from my brain or falter and stick to my fingertips.

Worse, I haven't maintained a regular daily t'ai chi chih practice for years. An unhealed knee injury from four+ years ago is partially to blame for the deceleration of my practice. A move to the woods of Northwestern Wisconsin seven years ago shifted me into the struggle to survive mode and I've been rattling around on that hamster wheel ever since.

So ... daily writing and a daily t'ai chi chih practice have eluded me for years.

What better time to start than now??

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