Monday, November 30, 2009

These Magic Moments

Trees peopled the landscape. Their dark presence--drawn into brief silhouette by the incandescence of emerging sun--was witness to my practice.

The sunrise was lovely. I breathed it in ... deep, slow breaths. For me, these magical minutes of sun emerging over horizon to light earth and sky are a blessing.

I began practice by standing quietly in Resting Position; feeling my rootedness to the earth, imagining my connection to the sky. Soon I felt energy in my palms, a slight vibration and feeling of fullness, a light trembling of fingers.

Practice time passed quickly. One difference today. Frances rose with me this morning. (I'm typically the solo early riser.) I became aware of her presence through the whirr of the coffee grinder, the clatter of a pan on the stove, the swish of rice pouring into metal.

Surprisingly, I was not distracted from my practice by these sounds but pulled deeper into it. It's easier for me to focus my attention on the present when I hear outside noises and distractions. Inner noises--Monkey Mind again?!?--are a different story....

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