Thursday, December 30, 2010

Eyes Wide Shut

Rain, rain, rain. Tonight? Freeze, freeze, freeze. This afternoon I barely made it up the driveway in our all wheel drive vehicle. I'm guessing the weather during this New Year's holiday weekend will encourage us all to simply stay home.

There were many people out this afternoon running errands, as were Frances and I. Traffic was heavy for this time of year. Of course, heavy is a relative concept.

I'm currently reading a novel set on Red Cliff Reservation, our nearest neighbor (Murder on the Red Cliff Rez). The main character, Red Cliff's police chief, describes waiting for two school buses and five cars to pass before he could turn onto Hwy. 13, the main roadway that circles the entire perimeter of the Bayfield Pennisula. Instead of rush hour, he called his wait rush minute. I chuckled today while I waited at several intersections for a line of cars to pass before I could proceed.

During this evening's TCC practice I closed my eyes for a portion of the practice. I wanted to feel my weight shifting and arms and hands circling without the benefit of visual feedback. Justin Stone recommends keeping eyes open throughout the practice in order to facilitate the flow of Chi. Nevertheless it was an interesting experiment. First, I maintained my balance better than expected. Second, I had no choice but to keep my attention in the soles of my feet while I moved.

I also discovered that I unintentionally migrated forward without realizing that I'd moved from my original position. And I felt amazingly relaxed.

2010 ... going, going, almost gone.

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