The essence of life shall never be known by a human being as long as that person seeks to observe life like viewer and subject. The absolutely essential nature of life can only be comprehended by merging fully with the flow of life, so that one is utterly a part of it.The rain that fell from the sky last night resulted in a precious and beautiful day today: low humidity, light, cooling breezes, and glowing sunlight.
From: 365 Tao, Deng Ming-Dao, p. 208 ("Essence")
During this afternoon's TCC practice I observed the flutter of sunlight on forest-darkened leaves. I basked in the cool breath of air that rushed through my window and moved like a deer gently treading across rain-softened earth. For me, that's the joy that comes from living and practicing within this tree-filled landscape. I can easily join in the dance of the Universe. Undisturbed by human activities and expectations I merge with the environment, the atmosphere, and the landscape that surrounds me.
It bathes me in peace....
Which brings me to today's reading of 365 Tao, "Trap" (p. 209). I quote:
Many people allow themselves to be trapped into a miserable life....I'm happily abnormal. Though I may sometimes feel as though I'm swimming upstream it's more likely that I'm softly floating downstream and, just like the reluctant messiah in Richard Bach's Illusions (see "Floating Free" blog, July 6, 2010), I'm riding the tide of Chi that carries me where I need to go....
Those who follow Tao do not want to end up in this way. They want to be free. They do not want to be victims. Therefore, although it is a difficult path, they constantly seek to expand the parameters of their lives. They do not suffer to be exploited or enslaved, and they will eschew what is considered 'normal' in order to be happy.
Postscript: Sometimes that ride is bumpy and uncomfortable but it doesn't mean that I should abandon the flow (i.e., The Way).
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