Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Silence is the general consecration of the universe. Silence is the invisible laying on of the Divine Pontiff's hands upon the world. Silence is at once the most harmless and the most awful thing in all nature. It speaks of the Reserved Forces of Fate. Silence is the only Voice of our God.
          --Herman Melville, The Writings of Herman Melville, vol. 7
The above quote is another gem I discovered during my effort to cleanse files. Silence is such an integral part of T'ai Chi Chih practice. And, undoubtedly, that's why I love this practice so much ... it is the only group activity that I've ever engaged in that allowed--no, required--all of its members to move beyond social interactions and into the Oneness without a word being spoken. That's a gift to us all.

Today's TCC practice was divided into two parts: the first half I practiced in the yard while watching the geese. The day was hot and I felt revved up by multiple projects I hoped to complete. While that practice went fine it was not as relaxing as my second half-practice.

Begun around 7:00 p.m., this practice was performed after said projects were completed. In the early evening segue of sun to gathering rain clouds I practiced inside. This practice was quiet--no distractions--and I felt a distinct difference from the earlier practice. This time there was no competition with other responsibilities, thoughts, or anticipated activities. I sunk into the silence and let myself Be.

Though I felt tired at the beginning of this practice and I continue to feel tired at the end, I am more relaxed, at ease, and peaceful. Evening's silence is settling across the land....

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