The first peace, which is the most important, is that which comes within the souls of people when they realize their relationship, their oneness, with the universe and all of its powers...How wonderful to spend one day per month with others who choose to join this in-depth study that helps each member learn to find peace within. Hey, I'm all for it....
T'ai Chi Chih practice is an easily accessible tool that teaches/reminds/inspires us to bring peace into our own lives on a daily basis. On some days, of course, that goal is easier to accomplish than on others. But, just like anything else, it takes practice to gain expertise and mastery.
My TCC practice late this evening was pure fun. I played TCC in the upstairs bedroom. The lighting was different or maybe it was the fact that I have dirty, fogged over windows that I've been meaning to clean for ages. Whatever the reason, when I looked into the darkened window, I saw two shadows of myself.
Throughout the practice my movements were echoed by these two versions of me. Both were reproductions of my familiar movements but one Me looked smaller and more condensed, the other Me was more expansive, larger, and surrounded by light. I suppose you could say I had a group practice. This group, though, was totally coordinated. We all moved in exquisite harmony
1 comment:
Thank you Steph for being with us last night. I love your image of a group practice and seeing yourself as expanded light, which of course, we all know you are.
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