Sunday, January 2, 2011


Well, the blanket was thrown back off the sky today and the day was clear and bright. Brrr. And cold.

I took a mid-afternoon walk and bundled myself up in a down coat, thick mittens, a lambswool scarf, and several layers of fleece. It was a beauty-filled walk. The sky changed from blue to pink and lavender and clouds floated across the blue like luscious clots of cream.

Huge paw prints traveled down the road I walked. My guess? Wolf tracks. It was exhilarating to be out on my solo trek and ... infinitely quiet.

When I returned home, I segued into my T'ai Chi Chih practice. It took me a number of movements, though, to realize that I moved as if I were still on my heart healthy hike. I no longer needed to elevate my heart rate. Consequently, moment by moment I slowed, relaxed, softened, and let go.

And gradually my TCC practice entrained me into the deep quiet and darkness of night settling 'round me.

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