Monday, January 17, 2011

Inner Hyperactivity

It's a wee bit above zero this morning. Light, light, very light snow falls very lightly. I actually wondered whether I was seeing things when I perceived that the air was moving. Then I realized that tiny moist flakes were, indeed, falling. Now--forty-five minutes later--the flakes are larger and more profuse.

No doubt about it ... it was hard to focus my mind during this morning's T'ai Chi Chih practice. Over and over again I returned my attention to the softening of my knees, the movement of my dantienne, the bending and straightening of my knees. Regardless, my mind flew everywhere and settled nowhere.

Despite the quiet and peace that surrounds me I feel amazingly hyperactive inside. Yesterday's performance of Animal Farm may be partly responsible. I'm still elated by the wonderful energy and artistry of the performance.

I, too, have an upcoming performance at Stagenorth on February 4 and 5 when some 20 writers from Love Stories of the Bay read our pieces accompanied by lights, music, and visuals. Since I'm a born introvert I'll rehearse repeatedly--in addition to our two scheduled rehearsals--to instill myself with confidence for a public performance!

Today is an excellent day to engage in a longer seated meditation session because my TCC practice was obviously not enough to center me in the way I'd like before I head off to work this afternoon. So ... I'll settle myself down, become present in the moment, and instill myself with peace right NOW.

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