Sunday, August 12, 2012

Busy Days of Summer

Friday, August 10, 2012:

It was a long busy day at work today so I delayed my T'ai Chi Chih practice until after I came home. (I'd hoped to practice before work but time slipped away from me and I made a mad dash to open the library.)

Again, TCC practice was a before-bed exercise in relaxation and self-improvement. And, though the practice was short, it was sweet. I slept deeply and well....

Saturday, August 11, 2012:

Today's TCC practice occurred during a brief break one of our library volunteers gave me during my six- hour solo library shift. I walked to the post office first to pick up library magazines and mail, then returned to the side yard for practice.

It was a busy, buzzy Saturday afternoon in downtown Bayfield with tourists streaming down the sidewalks and parking in any and every available open spot. I stayed cool as a cucumber while moving quietly and calmly in the shade next to the library building. And, when I walked back inside, I felt that both me and my patrons benefited from the centering effects of my relaxing practice.

Sunday, August 12, 2012:

After I shredded one finger along with the huge zucchini I was shredding on my King Kutter this morning, I decided it was time for my T'ai Chi Chih practice. (And, yes, if I make any typos during this blog it is due to the huge tape-covered middle finger on my left hand.)

I practiced outside on the deck (which I haven't done for ages since I've chosen to stay near Lucy). It was a quiet, lovely day. And, gradually, g-r-a-d-u-a-l-l-y, my body and mind began to slow.

Soon I heard--and saw--a lone deer grazing in the woods. She lunched nonchalantly, seemingly oblivious to my presence. Then, as I flowed through the Daughters she lifted her head and gazed at me. Our eyes locked for a minute, maybe more, in a relaxed, quiet moment of connection and then she returned to her browsing. Aha! A moment of being present to and for each other that felt like a wonderful gift.

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