Monday, August 9, 2010

On the Road Again....

It's the eve of my departure for the annual T'ai Chi Chih teachers' conference at Lied Lodge and Arbor Day Farm in Nebraska City, Nebraska. I've been preparing for this trip for several days and a number of last-minute details still need attention.

This mindset was reflected in my evening TCC practice when I noticed myself pushing through my movements; the weight shift seemed forced instead of free flowing. Luckily I caught myself in the act and gently reminded myself to release tension and slow down (in other words, forget about my conference preparations for 30 minutes and allow myself to sink into the moment). It worked!

By practice end I received a phone call from my friend, Anna, who is one of my traveling companions. She mentioned that temperatures at our conference location are predicted to be in the upper 90s and low 100s. Huh. Today's northern Wisconsin temps in the mid-80s dripped with humidity and were barely bearable.

I'm grateful that we'll be staying in an air-conditioned lodge. By the way, Anna continued, the Missouri River is flooding and we'll have to cross it to get to our destination. It was supposed to peak on Saturday but should be fine by the time we get down there on Wednesday.

I can sense that a TCC adventure is waiting for me (us) just down the road....

To all my local readers: My blog will be on hiatus during my travels. I'll take notes between our twice-daily TCC group practices and refinement sessions and provide a full report after I return home on Monday, August 16.

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