Monday, April 30, 2012

Tender Blossoms

I felt low this morning for no reason that I could think of other than the fact that the sky was overcast and the day dreary. Even T'ai Chi Chih practice couldn't lift my spirits. For that matter, I could barely feel the Chi energy throughout the whole form.

Lucky for me, bits of blue emerged from the sky's cloudy face while I practiced. Soon the sun shone and, yep, my spirits became more buoyant.

Soon I leave for the library and I still struggle with feelings of low energy and subdued spirits. What to do.... I'll set an intention for my day to shift my focus. For inspiration I drink in the beautiful orange flower that blooms on the cactus Frances brought over to the writing desk for my viewing pleasure yesterday. It's a delicate, glowing, pure, joyful thing. Simple, really. Yet so inspiring. And from it comes my intention:

May I treat everyone I meet at work today as if they, too, were tender, fragile, and beautiful blossoms. Namaste.

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