Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Cheerful and Chi-full

I sink into a brief 15-minute practice this morning. Later this evening I begin teaching two new classes, one, beginning and the other, continuing. I review the movements I'll teach tonight and simultaneously energize and refresh myself for the day ahead.

The sun is a glowing beacon lying low in the sky. Chiripa, our beautiful Chi-filled kitten, sits calmly on my shoulder as I write. Her breakfast just completed, she's grooming and--I expect--contemplating her next move.

I continue to feel enormously grateful for the TCC retreat and practice of last weekend. I'm excited by the prospect of going deeper into my practice, eager to experience a freer flow of Chi, and curious to discover how my life changes as I draw greater quantities of energy into my life. I trust that change will occur even as I realize that sometimes its shape is so subtle that I may not consciously understand what is transforming.

Still, I know from last weekend that my quiet, retiring, bashful, and sometimes fearful self is unfolding by reaching out to others, opening up, asking for help, and accepting what's offered. The circle continues....
Your own Self-Realization
is the greatest service you can
render the world.
          Sri Ramana Maharshi
          From: The Mystic Vision, February 2

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