Friday, February 11, 2011

It's Cosmic

At 5:50 p.m. it's still light outside. As I complete my T'ai Chi Chih practice I see treetops dancing in the wind and pure white snow lying at the foot of these tall, dark sentinels.

The sky is a jumbled mix of white-blue-grey clouds. And, as darkness gathers closer, I circle through Passing Clouds and stand quietly in Cosmic Consciousness Pose. Another day almost complete and this practice of T'ai Chi Chih the ready ritual that I return to as I mark my days and pass through each week.

I'm scheduled to begin two more classes next week, a beginning and continuing class, though it appears that I don't have enough students registered for the beginning class. People often comment to me that they've always wanted to take T'ai Chi. When class schedules are set, though, other commitments take precedence.

Today I feel a bit down and discouraged. Tomorrow, luckily, will be another day....

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