Thursday, January 21, 2010

Pulling in Peace ... Soaking in Sun

Glorious sunshine!

I practiced today with Connie, Vic, Suni, and Rhonda. It's been six weeks since I moved through TCC with other people. Since I don't begin teaching for several more weeks it was time for some group energy. Out came Good Karma's DVD: T'ai Chi Chih! Joy Thru Movement and into the DVD player it went.

It's always fun to join other accredited t'ai chi chih teachers in a TCC practice session. Live teachers are preferable, of course, but virtual TCC players will do when you live in the middle of the woods on a tiny pennisula that juts up into Lake Superior.

I jiggled my timing a bit on Push Pull in order to "receive" peace (i.e., "pull") from these four practitioners as they "pushed" their energy toward me on the TV screen. Otherwise I followed Suni's lead and simply focused my attention on softening ... slowing ... relaxing....

I'm grateful that my mental attitude is improved from yesterday. It helped to sit quietly and simply breathe for about 15 minutes after yesterday's practice. And ... sunshine makes all the difference!

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