Monday, November 21, 2011

May Peace Abide with You

Yesterday was Justin's Stone's 95th birthday and, in his honor, International T'ai Chi Chih Day. Many local T'ai Chi Chih communities--the Twin Cities included--held a special practice and celebration to commemorate his birth and life, as well as the contributions he has made toward world peace.

Today arrived on the wings of tremendous, stupendous, glorious sunshine. As I did my morning T'ai Chi Chih practice I looked out at the peace and silence of our Snow White Woods. Our 25 acres of trees stand like stalwart sentries guarding the serenity of the peace-abiding plants and trees and animals that live here.

I, too (some days!), abide in peace here. A large part of that ability to sense, embrace, and extend the peace comes from the gift of T'ai Chi Chih practice. When I re-enter my practice day after day I build a solid core of peace inside that allows me to still my inner turnoil and reach out to create a kinder, more compassionate and loving world. Thank you, Justin Stone, for this wonderfully tranquil moving meditation.

May you abide in peace, too....

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