Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Living with Awe

I sunbathed my way through a high noon TCC practice today. It was lovely. Full sun, 75 degrees, a gentle breeze, several flitty, flightly birds, and me.

I'm grateful that my T'ai Chi Chih practice tempts me out of the house on these beautiful fall days. It's easy to get sidelined by inside chores and activities because that's where our technology resides: kitchen appliances, cleaning equipment, computer, telephone, DVD player, TV. When I venture out into nature, though, I'm captivated by the simplicity and wonder of nature.

In his interpretation of verse 72 of the Tao, "Living with Awe and Acceptance" (pp. 340-41), Wayne Dyer writes:
     The reason it's crucial to have a sense of awe is because it helps loosen the ego's hold on your thinking.... I love the metaphor of nature as a guide to sagelike acceptance. In fact, throughout the 81 verses, Lao-tzu emphasizes being in harmony with the natural world, telling you that's where you connect with the Tao.... Learn about the Tao by being in perfect harmony with the environment.
As I've written this blog over the past ten months I've become more tuned in to the subtle, seemingly minor occurrences that unfold around me. Incidences I may have previously ignored or missed now draw my attention and bring me tremendous joy. I feel intimately connected to the natural world surrounding me and can easily sense how it might feel to be a leaf floating from tree branch to earth or a bird hungrily pecking seeds from the feeder.

As Dyer recommends, I "try seeing the invisible Tao flowing through and supporting everyone and everything ... [and I] Live the mystery by beginning to perceive what average eyes fail to notice." These are gifts I've received from a regular T'ai Chi Chih practice and from my study of the Tao. And so ... I am blessed.

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