Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Seasons Migrate but TCC Continues On...

It sure feels like summer has left the area--just like migrating birds--in search of a warmer habitat. We turned on the heat last night before the rain began to fall and after temperatures had already fallen.

Today's temps hovered in the low 40s as grey skies huddled over the earth. After Labor Day we're advised to take down hummingbird feeders but Frances and I wait for several more weeks just in case there are hummers farther north in need of a mid-flight fuel station.

I didn't expect to see any hummingbirds today because it felt blustery. But, once I began my TCC practice, I noticed a small bird--it had to be a hummer--who lit atop a low-lying branch and paused before, sure enough, flying to its feeder. Nearby I glimpsed a flash of white that metamorphosed into Ms. Chiripa hunkered down in the tall grasses waiting expectantly for an unsuspecting chipmunk.

The wind was strong, the air chilly, so I practiced TCC indoors with a music CD playing in the background. Again, I was astonished to discover how quickly my TCC practice time flew by. And, as usual, I feel better than when I began.

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