Thursday, February 9, 2012

Living in the Present

The temps are falling again and it's time to venture out into the woods to cut down a dead tree, slice it up into foot-and-a-half servings, and haul it to the house to feed to the ever-hungry wood burner. Frances is prepping the chainsaw as I begin my blog and then we'll both head out to the woods to share this task.

I just came back inside from our out-of-doors wood hauling and I commented to Frances that I couldn't believe I taught a T'ai Chi Chih class this morning. It already feels like a lifetime ago. Is that what it feels like to live in the present?

There were a few extra minutes this morning before students arrived which allowed me to do my Morning Body Prayer and begin a run through of cleansing Qigong. TCC practice was peaceful and calming (as usual). Early in the afternoon Namaste started chewing up leaves on a house plant (a sign that his stomach is upset and he needs to vomit). Soon he did his deed and I followed it up with some Reiki energy work on his belly.

When Frances, Namaste, and I walked to the mailbox just before dark, he ran at top speed both down the driveway and back up again. Gee, I guess he feels better. Me ... I'm tired after hauling wood and I look forward to a relaxed, restful evening.

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