Tuesday, September 21, 2010


I didn't sleep well last night. Was it because I had a busy day at work and I found it difficult to slow myself down? Or, did my evening talk with another T'ai Chi Chih teacher lift my spirits--and my energy--so much that I couldn't go to sleep? Perhaps it was my later evening TCC practice?

Whatever the reason, I practiced TCC as soon as I returned home from work tonight. I also performed an abbreviated practice session. Today's workday proceeded at a reasonable pace throughout the afternoon so perhaps that will contribute to a good night's rest tonight.

This evening's TCC practice was the epitome of no effort. I came. I stood in place. I moved. I watched my reflection in the window with no expectation or judgment. I felt better.

Practice was simple, relaxed, and amazingly fast. I hope that my venture into the world of sleep tonight is equally easy. Based on how tired I feel at the moment I'm guessing that I'll be finding out very soon....

1 comment:

Evergreen said...

Could have something to do with the full moon, I didn't sleep much last night either.