Saturday, May 28, 2011

Living with a Full Moon in Each Eye

After a full night of rain, the weather continues to look iffy. A constant flow of people through the library today seemed to reinforce what we're all thinking: Hmm. Relaxing Memorial Day weekend indoors rather than outside.

A multitude of DVDs and books circulated in and out. And me? I contained myself ... only five books and eight DVDs came home in my car.

By the time I arrived home I was exhausted. Following a brief conversation with Frances I headed to the deck for T'ai Chi Chih practice.

I knew that practice could help me transition from busy body to calm, relaxed mind. And it worked. I moved to the sounds of singing birds, buzzing hummers, and honking goose. The sunlight flickered briefly then disappeared as storm clouds floated through the neighborhood. And, by practice end, I was a new woman (or at the very least, renewed).

As I perused my library take-homes a poem by Hafiz caught my attention:
With That Moon Language

Admit something:
Everyone you see, you say to them,
     'Love me.'
Of course you do not do this out loud;
Someone would call the cops.
Still though, think about this,
This great pull in us to connect.
Why not become the one
Who lives with a full moon in each eye
That is always saying
With that sweet moon
What every other eye in this world
     Is dying to

     From: Tattoos on the Heart: The Power of Boundless Compassion, by Gregory Boyle, p. 17
Tattoos on the Heart author, Gregory Boyle, is a Jesuit priest who founded Homeboy Industries, a gang-intervention program located in Los Angeles (the gang capital of the world). His life of service is a testament to the tremendous power of unconditional love. I borrowed the book because I was sure that the stories inside would reinforce the message of Justin Stone, T'ai Chi Chih's founder. When you practiceT'ai Chi Chih regularly, it teaches you how to open your heart to love and compassion.

I know without a doubt that that is true for me. And, as I continue to practice day after day, week after week, month after month, and year after year perhaps someday I, too, will live with a full moon in each eye.

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