Wednesday, July 27, 2011

My Restless Mind

Today rain came, and left, and came, and left, and came again. Now it's still and overcast; the rain, it seems, is waiting off-stage for another appearance.

In late afternoon I practiced T'ai Chi Chih on the porch since I assumed it was too wet and mosquitoey (yes, a made up word) outside. Halfway through I noticed Lucy watching me from the front step and I decided to join her for the remainder of the practice. Big mistake. I'd been right ... mosquitoes swarmed me and I retreated back to the porch.

As you might expect, the first half of my practice was more focused and calm than the last half. Regardless, it felt good to move and my hands and fingers trembled with an overflow of energy.

Our friends didn't drive up today due to an extremely ill cat, Madeline. So, in true T'ai Chi Chih fashion we went with the flow. If not today, perhaps they'll make it later this week. If not this week, then another time. We've plenty to do to prepare for a dinner and film we're hosting at our house on Friday night (and another friend's visit on Saturday).

Through all the visits, and guests, and comings and goings, I'll continue with my practice. That, I know, slows me down and helps to soothe my restless mind.

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