Sunday, August 21, 2011

Feeding the Hungry Soul

After bidding my brother and his girlfriend adieu yesterday afternoon we welcomed friends for a movie last night. It turned into a very late night as we watched Orwell Rolls in His Grave (2006).

This documentary "explores the one thing the media doesn't like to talk about -- itself." In short order the film revealed that the media is the largest lobbyist in Washington. In addition our corporate media empire has absolute control over who (i.e., which politicians) receives media coverage. The film asks us to consider: Does the corporate media reflect public opinion or create it? Did the media help George W. Bush steal the presidency and market the war in Iraq? (The film provides convincing evidence that this did, indeed, occur.)

I studied journalism as an undergraduate student and I found the film's portrayal of the ways in which the mediopoly has gained tremendous inappropriate influence over the content of news coverage in this country and the manner in which it propagandizes the general public while claiming to offer news and information that is "fair and balanced" deeply disturbing.

Thankfully, my experiences today were enjoyable and rejuvenating. It felt cold (mid-50s--brr) this morning. Ah, yes, fall is in the air. I did my T'ai Chi Chih practice on the deck in bright morning sunshine. I needed to soak in that sunshine in order to feel warm enough to move.

Afterward I headed to Ashland to meet a friend from the Twin Cities who I haven't seen for several--or more--years. It was wonderful to share stories of our lives and learnings. Back home Frances and I drove to the lakeshore to walk the dog and sit in silence as we watched the sun lower inself into the horizon. Silence ... pink-tinged clouds ... waves breaking against the shore ... all these feed the hungry soul.

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