Friday, August 19, 2011

Post-Rain Chi

I was first up this morning. Quietly I crept out of bed (my brother and his girlfriend brought their dog along and I didn't want to make any dog-stimulating noises). Then I flowed into my T'ai Chi Chih practice before my body was fully awake.

We awakened last night to loud thunderstorms. As daylight crept over the treeline the air was still damp and clouds littered the sky. I moved through the humid air and soaked in the awesome silence. Slowly my body softened. My breath deepened. And my bodymind relaxed.

Of course, when I got out of bed Namste rose too. He's not inclined to go downstairs by himself which means that eventually he began to whine. I ignored him until I finished Pulling in the Energy and then, reluctantly, I accompanied him downstairs and outside.

The sun was starting to emerge, little dabs of yellow streaked through the forest leaves. I promised myself that I would finished my TCC practice outside later in the day. The beach could be an excellent location....

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