Monday, August 29, 2011

A Little More Manageable

I bobbed along on waves of emotion this evening. First I attended a memorial service for one of Bayfield's bookstore owners. She died in a bike accident a week ago Saturday and left behind a husband and two tween daughters along with bereft family, friends, and colleagues from Berkeley, CA, Manhattan, and Bayfield, WI.

Then I came home to more sad news ... Chickie Woo was killed by a predator late this afternoon, pulled out of her roosting place in the animal barn and left, partially eaten, in her pen. Our sweet one-legged chicken with her distinctive conversational cooing and wooing met a bitter end.

Or not. Both Frances and I wondered whether she lived with constant pain that affected her quality of life. Still, she and Frances bonded and she and Lucy befriended each other. We will miss her.

Work was a nonstop rollercoaster ride from 1:00 p.m. until 6:00 p.m. I was grateful that I took time for a T'ai Chi Chih practice before I left for work. Somehow it made the sad, difficult day a little less overwhelming. A little more manageable. And it helped me feel a bit more accepting of all that is as it is....

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