Friday, May 25, 2012

Anxiety Abated

Thursday, May 24, 2012:

I did as planned and practiced T'ai Chi Chih before I gave my presentation to the Parkinson's support group this morning ... it helped. Still, I was extremely nervous as I drove to the session; but, once I arrived--and as soon as I started moving through TCC with the group--all was well.

I'm reminded, again and again, of how much I enjoy sharing TCC with others. It truly has been a blessing in my life.

Friday, May 25, 2012:

Yesterday was rain filled. Today we had a brief respite with clear, cool sunshine. I took advantage of the dryness and practiced TCC outside on the deck. It's ultra green here after a day and a half of rain (one acquaintance in Bayfield reported that she got 3.1 inches of rain at her house yesterday).

During a drive into Bayfield Frances and I stopped in the middle of the road so that Frances could help a turtle get across and out of danger. Then, while on a late afternoon walk, we found a mole on the road shoulder that we thought was dead but, no, it simply appeared to be asleep. Once again, Frances encouraged it to descend into the ditch to distance itself from road traffic.

The holiday weekend is upon us and Bayfield is hopping with traffic and people.We'll be staying at home in the peace-filled silence. Ahhh.

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