Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Movin' and Shakin'

During my recent sorting activity I came across a book of art and poetry by a long ago friend. The book is entitled What Can I Learn? And here is what Mary Lee George wrote after the question, "What can I learn doing T'ai Chi?"

I find my feminine roots--
     going into the earth
I deepen my awareness--
     exploring the depths
I learn to let go
     flowing with the ki [chi]
I learn to move
     from my center
I learn to live
     from the inside out
I learn to trust life instead of
     trying to control it

Yeah, I'd say that poem is a great reminder of what (m)any of us can learn from this moving meditation practice.

Today I sat on the front step during my TCC practice. The dog and goose were nearby and the chicken joined me, too, for a brief interlude. It was a breezy, coolish day and, since I rose feeling exhausted, the practice helped tune me up and got me moving.

I needed that energy. Today was the first day the library's been open since last Friday and we had patrons coming and going all afternoon and evening.

This morning I prepared learning objectives for a presentation on TCC I'm delivering at a mental health conference in mid-June. While I worked I realized that, for me, T'ai Chi Chih is simply part of my daily health care routine, which includes taking insulin shots three to four times each day, and blood testing regularly. It's a healthy habit that keeps me movin' and shakin'.

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