Sunday, May 13, 2012


Three white trillium bloom on the southern edge of the garden. They remind me of the weekend Frances and I spent at A Dwelling in the Woods (a spiritual retreat center in central Minnesota). Outside our cabin window the woods was alive with white trilliums. It felt as if we were nestled in heaven.

In addition to the white trilliums we have a deep purple and two yellows that are just ready to pop. Every day a new bloom which means we see a different face in our woods.

I finished reading The Man Who Quit Money today. What an inspirational book! Daniel Suelo's decision to change his life was a courageous journey of spirit filled with tremendous insight and exploration. I'm anxious to see whether he is still writing his blog so that I can get up-do-date on his latest adventures.

Last night Frances and I watched the documentary MissRepresentation. That, too, was inspiring. It reminded me why I quit watching TV, listening to commercial radio, and reading daily newspapers and most magazines. The ways in which women are portrayed in the media are astoundingly horrific (typically they're valued for their youth, beauty, and sexuality only). Where do we find portraits of strong, courageous, powerful women?

Frances and I talked today about an earlier idea to start an educational or spiritual retreat center at our spot in the woods. We're still considering sharing the beauty and bounty of this property with others so that more people can benefit from its quiet peacefulness. The ideas and thoughts continue to percolate.

After our discussion I did a seated T'ai Chi Chih practice on the deck. The three white trilliums and three other white Ones (Namaste, Chiripa, and Lucy) were all within view. The wind had died down and peace permeated the forest. So, too, did peace sink into my body and spirit. I'm recharged for another day!

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