Wednesday, May 30, 2012


It was another cool, off-and-on again grey-sunny day. Lows tonight are predicted for 39 degrees; and, visitors from the Twin Cities commented that it felt like fall.

My T'ai Chi Chih practice was equally divided into three ten-minute practices. Not that I intentionally did it that way, but it just happened that I squeezed my practice into spaces between various events during the morning and afternoon. For today, that strategy worked fine.

I felt comfortably relaxed while our guests were here visiting, and I still found enough minutes during the busyness of the day to get through the entire form. When we and our guests drove home from Cornucopia after dinner, we saw five deer at various locations along the highway. We spotted them easily since the sun was still high in the sky (it was close to 9:00 p.m.).

With summer solstice three weeks away, it's simply de-light-full.

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