Friday, October 14, 2011

Dependency ... The Helpful Kind

I started my T'ai Chi Chih practice inside this morning then thought better of it. Why would I practice indoors when the weather is warmish (40-something), there are still leaves on the trees, and I'll soon be restricted to indoor practices due to snow and cold? I want to avoid cabin fever for as long as possible.

Even though I felt highly distractable during practice I was also aware of the fact that I've become incredibly dependent upon it. I told my students at yesterday's class that sometimes it feels as though 24 hours is too long to wait for my daily dose of balance and equanimity. Day after day I see how T'ai Chi Chih moving meditation moderates and influences my life. And from my vantage point the results are all extremely positive.

Justin Stone talks about this dependency and maintains that there's nothing wrong with being addicted to a practice that balances your energy, moderates your mood, and brings joy to your life. I don't claim to feel overly joyful today but I do feel more alive, alert, and upbeat. And I feel ready to spend my day working at the library with a positive, helpful attitude.

For me, my distracted practice yielded a good return. I'm hopeful that I'll be carried through the day on a wave of Chi....

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